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Teachers Day Celebration

KVV’s, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad has organized the Teachers Day Programme on 5th September 2023. Hon. Dr Suresh Bhosale, Chair and Chancellor, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Karad was Chief guest of the function. Dr. M. V. Ghorpade Sir, Registrar, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Karad, was Guest of Honor. Mr. P. D. John, Executive Officer, Finance, KVV, Karad, Dr. S. T. Mohite, Dean Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, KVV, Karad, Dr. Shashikiran, Dean School of Dental Sciences, KVV, Karad, Dr. Varadharajulu, Dean Krishna College of Physiotherapy, KVV, Karad were guests.

The objectives of the program were

1.To commemorate the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the country's first Vice President and former President, scholar, philosopher, and Bharat Ratna awardee.

  1. To honor the best teachers, the best researchers, the best students, and the best readers of the university.

The inauguration function of the teacher's day program was arranged in the Auditorium hall on 5th September 2023 with lamp lighting and Saraswati pooja from the auspicious hands of dignitaries on the dais. Dr. N. R. Jadhav, Dean Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad felicitated Guest of Honor, Respected Dr. M. V. Ghorpade Sir, Registrar, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Karad. Guest of Honor, Respected Mr. P. D. John Sir, Executive Director, Finance, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Karad, Dr. S.T. Mohite Sir, Dean, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, KVV, Karad. Dr. N. D. Shashikiran Sir, Dean, School of Dental Sciences, KVV, Karad. Dr. G. Varadharajulu Sir, Dean, Krishna College of Physiotherapy, KVV, Karad. Hon Registrar Sir felicitate Respected Dr. N.R. Jadhav Sir, Dean, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, KVV, Karad.Miss. Sania Shikalgar and Mr. Aditya Deshpande from the First Year of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy expressed their views.

On this occasion, we honored the teachers from the university campus. The prize distribution ceremony was accomplished in different categories: best student teacher award, best reader award, best researcher award, research appreciation award, and favorite teacher award.

Dr. N R Jadhav, the organizing chair of the function, addressed the audience. In his speech, he highlighted the importance of national education policy, advanced teaching methodologies, and the importance of teachers in society.

Dr. M. V. Ghorpade, sir, guest of honor of the function in his speech, highlighted the national teacher award won by Dr. Pranay Abhang and encouraged other teachers of the University to try for similar achievements in the future.

Dr. N.R. Jadhav, Dean of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad was the event coordinator. Dr. Akshada Koparde, Dean of Academics, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy proposed a vote of thanks and the function ended with the national anthem.

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