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KVV's,Krishna Institute of Pharmacy,Karad organisedProfessional skill development program on 18 July to 21 July 2023

KVV's, KIP organized a Professional skill development program from 18 July to 21 July. The main objectives of the program were To enhance the knowledge of the use of language and its spoken aspect. It helped the students in their development of communication skills, to improve Presentation Skills, team management skills, to understand effective planning, time management, and implementation for setting goals and achieving personal and professional goals, to learn to evaluate oneself (self-appraisal and introspection) for further personal and professional growth. The inauguration function of the Professional Skill Development program was arranged in the Auditorium hall on 18 July 2023. Dr.AmolShetewelcomedall the trainers by offering a bouquet. The welcome note and introduction of the speaker were given by Dr.AkshadaKoparde, Associate Professor, KVV, KIPKarad. Miss.Pragnya Durgai, Mr.SagarBhale, Miss.SnehalNagre, Miss. ShamliPowar,Miss.KomalNagre were trainer. A total of 80 students participated in the activity. Trainer conducted activities for the development of various skills among the students, they conducted activities like organizational structure, public speaking, presentation skills-mail etiquette, grooming, group discussion, personal interview, Teamwork, Leadership, time management, How to create posters effectively for the advertisement of pharmaceutical, cosmetics products, Presentation Skills, etc. All the students actively participated in the program and cooperated with the all trainers. The Valedictory session was graced by Dean I/C Dr. Amol Shete, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad. Student participants gave their feedback. Concluding remarks and a Vote of thanks were given by Mr. Pramod A Patil. The program was coordinated by Mr.P A Patil and Miss.Jyotsna Gandhi.

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