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KVV’S, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad organised MOM AND ME" ( Best Mother-Daughter Selfie/ Best Mother-Son Selfie) Contest on the occasion of Mothers Day

On May 14th, in observance of MothersDay was commemorated, and to honour this KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy organized a MOM AND ME" ( Best Mother-Daughter Selfie/ Best Mother-Son Selfie) Contest. KIP has actively participated in it as one of KVV's students under the guidance of Dr. Amol S. Shete, Dean [I/C].

About Mother’s day: Mother's Day is a special holiday celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day dedicated to honoring and appreciating mothers for their love, care, and influence in our lives. Mother's Day is generally celebrated on the second Sunday in May.

Mother's Day has its roots in ancient civilizations, where mothers and motherhood were celebrated through various festivals and ceremonies. However, the modern celebration of Mother's Day began in the early 20th century.

In the United States, the official observance of Mother's Day started in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed it a national holiday. Since then, it has become a widely recognized and celebrated occasion. Other countries also adopted the concept and established their own traditions for honoring mothers.

About MOM AND ME" (Best Mother-Daughter Selfie/ Best Mother-Son Selfie) Contest: Contests called "Mom and Me" are held to honour the unique relationship that moms share with their sons or daughters. These competitions frequently require participants to submit their finest selfies shot with their mothers. The contest is online, and all of KIP's classes are given access to a google form.

The "Mom and Me" contest seeks to visually express the bond, love, and affection that exists between mothers and their offspring. While preserving a priceless memory, it enables participants to express their thanks, admiration, and appreciation for their mothers.

Participants in 'Mom and Me' contests typically have to submit a selfie photo of themselves with their mothers along with a creative caption and a brief narrative. Photos are frequently evaluated based on a variety of factors, including the emotional connection shown, the composition's creativity, and the overall aesthetic appeal.

Mothers Day selfie competition
Mothers Day selfie competition