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KVV’s, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad celebrated World Pharmacist Day

KVV’s, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad celebrated World Pharmacist Day on 25th September 2023. The program started with the inaugural function. Honorable Dr. Pravin Shingare, KVV was the president, Mrs. Sapana Kupekar, Assistant Commissioner, FDA Sangli District was the Chief Guest and Dr. A. V. Yadav, Principal, Krishna College of Pharmacy, Karad, was the guest of honor for the inaugural ceremony. The inaugural address was given by Dr. N. R. Jadhav, Dean, KIP, Karad. Dr. A. V. Yadav Sir addressed the audience on this occasion. Mrs. Sapana Kupekar talked about the inception of Pharmacist Day and the pharmacist's role in strengthening the healthcare system. Honorable Pro-Chancellor, Dr. Pravin Shingare also expressed his views on this occasion. A vote of thanks for the inaugural function was given by Mr. Anup Patil. There were two sessions conducted. Session I: 11.30 am to 12.30 pm by the Honorable, Dr. Pravin Shingare. The chairman for the session was Dr. A. V. Yadav, Principal, KCP, Karad. Dr. Pravin Shingare in his learned, experienced talk includes

  1. What is an organ?
  2. Transplantation types and organs that can be donated?
  3. White collar Crimes in organ donation
  4. Laws related to organ donation
  5. Cases of false organ donation

Session II: 12.35 pm to 1.35 pm by Dr. N.R. Jadhav, Dean, KIP, KVV, Karad, and Chair Person for the Session: Dr. J. A. Sawale, Professor, KVV, KIP, Karad. Dean, Dr. N. R. Jadhav, in his learned, experienced talk includes

  1. Role of Pharmacists in strengthening the healthcare system
  2. Medication errors
  3. Case studies
  4. Self-medication
  5. Family Pharmacist concept

Session II ended with the Pharmacist’s oath. 

Afternoon Session: 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm. Different activities were conducted like poster-making competitions, Essay writing competitions, and Slogan competitions. An awareness rally was arranged as a part of the Celebration of World Pharmacist Day. The rally started from the back gate of Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth to Pachmandir of Koyana Vasahat. Students were holding posters of patient counseling, organ donation, and the role of pharmacists in strengthening societal health. 50 students and 1 staff member participated in the rally. The valedictory function of the Celebration of World Pharmacist Day started at 4:00 p.m. The Chief guest of the valedictory function was Dr. A. V. Yadav, Principal, KCP, Karad. Winners of various competitions and judges of the competitions were felicitated by the hands of Dean Dr. N.R. Jadhav, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad, Principal Dr. A.V. Yadav, Krishna College of Pharmacy, Karad, In charge, Principal Dr. Rohit Bhosale, Krishna Foundations Jaywant Institute Pharmacy, Wathar. Miss. Vishwabharati Suryavanshi, F Y Pharm D, and Miss. Rashi Gupta of F Y B Pharmacy shared their views on celebrations of World Pharmacist Day. Concluding remarks were given by Dr N. R. Jadhav, Dean, KIP, Karad. He congratulated all the faculty members and students for their contribution to making the event successful. Dr. A. V. Yadav, principal, of KCP, also expressed his views on this occasion. A vote of thanks was given by Dr. Mrs. A. A. Koparde.