KVV's, KIP Organised Deeksharambh- Student Induction Programme 2023, From 1st August 2023- 8th August 2023.
KVV’s, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad organized Deeksharambh (Student Induction Programme)2023 from 1st August 2023 to 8th August 2023. The Purpose of the Student Induction Programme is to help new students adjust and feel comfortable in the new environment, inculcate in them the ethos and culture of the institution, help them build bonds with other students and faculty members, and expose them to a sense of larger purpose and self-exploration. Student Induction Programme engages with the new students as soon as they come into the institution before regular classes start. At the start of the induction, the incumbents learn about the institutional policies, processes, practices, culture, and values, and their mentor groups are formed. KIP arranged Curricular and Co-curricular activities for newly admitted B. Pharm and Pharm D students. In Curricular and Extracurricular activities following activities conducted like Orientation of Academics, Exam, Code of conduct for students, Student support and progression activities and student welfare cell activity, Guest lecture of Eminent people, Human Values orientation, Alumni interaction, Placement cell orientation, NCC presentation, competitive exam cell, Role and responsibilities of Pharmacist, orientation on communication skill, soft skill, Intellectual Property Rights. To make students more comfortable, KIP arranged activities like street play, Painting and photography competitions, Funfair, and dance competitions. To make familiar with University and Institute KIP arranged a visit to MBBS. Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Allied Science College, Central Library, Gym, Museum visit. In the college students visit to Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmacy Practice departments. Dean Incharge Dr. Amole Shete gave support and guidance to make this event successful and Mrs. P. S. Karanje coordinated it.

Deeksharambh- Student Induction Programme 2023