KVVs Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, karad celebrated ‘Antiragging Week’ from 12th-18th August 2023 as per the circular released by the University Grants Commission dated July 5, 2023, Known for its strict no-tolerance policy against ragging observed the Anti-Ragging Day on August 12, 2023, followed by Anti-Ragging Week from 12th August to 18th August, 2023.
Newly joined students of first year B. Pharm & Pharm D. were made aware of the anti-ragging strategies followed at Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Deemed to be University, Karad, and the short films available on the UGC website were shown to the students and encouraged them to the need for healthy atmosphere for fostering learning and making KVV a campus free of ragging. Students of KVVs Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad were encouraged to participate in activities such as Essay writing, Slogan writing, and Logo designing competitions.
Judges did the evolution of the Slogan, Logo, and Essay competition, and the results of the competitions were declared and displayed on the notice board.
Mr. Akshay B. Kadam Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, KVVs Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad and Ms. Snehal S. Patil, Asst. Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, KVVs Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad were coordinate the event.