KINS:- Research Methodology Workshop 30-03-2023 To 31-03-2023
Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences has taken initiative to propagate and conduct current workshop which is an effort to enrich the Research scholars in nursing on research methodology. The research methodology workshop covered the basics of research methodology focusing on theoretical and practical inputs.
Aim of workshop
To improve the research skills and competence among the researchers by strengthening their knowledge as well as improving researcher’s technical writing skill in research.
Objectives of the workshop:
To enable the participants, define research problem, developing an approach to research problem and selection of suitable research design.
To impart capabilities for formulation and testing of hypothesis based on the nature of research.
To comprehend appropriateness of statistical software packages for analyzing research data.
To enable the participants to understand report writing and writing research proposals.
To make aware the participants about best practice of nursing research.
Target populations were PhD scholars of nursing sciences, PG and UG Students with high research aptitude and all other aspirants who are keen to seek knowledge about various aspects of research.
Schedule of Workshop:


Dr. Prakash Naregal, KINS, Karad

Dr. Pravin Dani, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Nursing, Sangli

Dr. Mahadeo Shinde, KINS, Karad

Dr. Jyoti Salunkhe, KINS, Karad

Dr. Satish Kakade, Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Karad

DR. T Shivabalan, Bhonsala Institute of Nursing, Nashik

Dr. Yugantara Ramesh Kadam, Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Karad

DR. (Mrs.) Vaishali Rajsinh Mohite, Dean, Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences, Karad.

Dr. Pramod John, Director of Research, KVV, Karad

Valedictory Programme