Felicitation of Teachers who Received recogintions / awards during the year - 2021

Dr. Nupura Vibhute Prof. & Head, Dept. of OPM, SDS
- Research Excellence Award 2020 in the field of Oral Pathology by INFC Institute of Scholars

Dr. Sameer Anil Zope, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology, SDS
- Young Faculty Award 2020 by Centre for Education Growth at Research, New Delhi

Dr. Sudha Mattigatti, Prof., Dept. of CDE, SDS
- GLOBAL TEACHER AWARD 2020 by AKS Education Trust

Dr. Uzma Belgaumi Asso. Prof., Dept. of OPM, SDS
- GLOBAL TEACHER AWARD 2020 by AKS Education Trust
- First Prize Award for paper presentation on “Appendageal tumours of the head and neck- A glimpse into the less discovered arena” at Virtual Conference OOO Conclave 2020 at OOO Kerala & Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences, Kerala

Dr. Namrata Gaonkar Asso. Prof., Dept. of PPD, SDS
- GLOBAL TEACHER AWARD 2020 by AKS Education Trust

Dr. Prashant Punde Reader, Dept. of OMS, SDS
- GLOBAL TEACHER AWARD 2020 by AKS Education Trust
- Third Prize Award for paper Presentation on “Comparative immunohistochemical expression of RANK, RANKL and OPG in fibrous capsule & lining epithelium of odontogenic cysts ” at Virtual National Conference OOO Conclave 2020 at OOO Kerala, Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences, Kerala
- Second Prize for paper Presentation on Prototype printing for zygomatico-maxillary fractures in preoperative planning & simulation at 8th Surgical Workshop and student convention in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (virtual) 2021, by Tagore Educational Trust and AOMSI- Tamilnadu & Puducherry
- Second Prize Award for paper presentation on Mirroring compitional planning to formulate prototype to minimize change in orbital volume post operatively at 8th Surgical Workshop and student convention in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (virtual) 2021, by Tagore Educational Trust and AOMSI- Tamilnadu & Puducherry

Dr. Shivakumar KM, Prof. & PHD, Dept. of OPM, SDS
- Best Research Award in International Research Awards for Science, Health and Engineering SHEN 2021 Awards by ScienceFather (Scifax)
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Research Award – 2021 In category – excellency in Dental Research - Public Health Dentistry by Medworld asia and International Publications

Dr. Vidya Kadashetti, Reader, Dept. of OPM, SDS
- WOMEN Researcher Award at International Research Awards on Science, Health and Engineering SHEN 2021 Awards by ScienceFather (Scifax)
- Certificate of Merit in recognition with outstanding work and contribution in Dental Research – Oral Pathology and Microbiology by Medworld asia and International Publications

Dr. Sandeep Shinde Asso. Prof., KCP
- Certificate presented at National Road Safety Month 2021 for Safe Speed Challenge of India Against Road Crash a nationwide movement to bring the change on our roads and make them safer for everyone

Dr. Namrata Kadam Assist. Prof., KCP
- First prize for poster presentation on “Effectiveness of early physiotherapy intervention on weight gain in low-birth-weight neonates” at "QUADRANS 2021" International Physiotherapy Virtual Conference by KLE Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi

Dr. Smita Patil , Assist. Prof., KCP
- Third prize for poster presentation on “Effect of low intensity closed kinematic chain exercise with pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD” at "QUADRANS 2021" - International Physiotherapy Virtual Conference by KLE Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi

Dr. Rajendra C. Doijad, Dean, KIP
- Award for outstanding and exemplary contribution towards Education Skill Development and Research in 7th Higher Education, Summit cum 14th Rashtriya Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar Ceremony 2021 by CEGR

Dr. Mrs. Vaishali Rajsinh Mohite, Dean, KINS
- Certificate of Appreciation Awarded for grateful scientific contribution and invaluable insight on “Medico Legal Aspects of Nursing” as a keynote speaker at 7th Conference of Indo Pacific Academic of Forensic Nursing Science-2021 (INPAFNUSCON) -Advancement in Forensic Nursing Science & Practice, by Gian Sagar Medical College and Sherlock Institute of Forensic Science.
- Selected for the Leadership for Change (LFC) programme organized by International Council of Nurses (ICN) in collaboration with Indian Nursing Council (INC) 2021

Dr. Ashok Yadavrao Kshirsagar Medical Director, K.H. & M.R.C.& Professor in Surgery, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra
- Certificate of Appreciation awarded for outstanding dedication, exemplary efforts and professional integrity shown in combating COVID-19 pandemic at K.H. & M.R.C., Karad 2021 by KIMSDU, Karad.

Dr. Satish Ramchandra Patil, Director IQAC & Prof. in Microbiology, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Sanjaykumar S. Patil , Prof. in Ob/Gyn, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra
- Certificate of Appreciation awarded for outstanding dedication, exemplary efforts and professional integrity shown in combating COVID-19 pandemic at K.H. & M.R.C., Karad 2021 by KIMSDU, Karad.

Dr. Mrs. Aparna Prasanna Patange, Asso. Prof. in Medicine, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra
- Corona Crusader Award 2021 by Inner wheel Club of Malkapur Sunrise
- COVID Warrior Award 2021 by Inner wheel Club of Karad Sangam
- Recognition as a Women COVID Warrior 2021 by Vanvasi Kalyan Aashram Karad

Dr. Makarand Mane, Asso. Prof. in Medicine, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Mrs. Shilpa Chandrakant Patil Asso. Prof. in Medicine, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Jabbar Desai, Assist. Prof. in Medicine, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra
- Corona Crusader Award 2021 by Inner wheel Club of Malkapur Sunrise

Dr. Ajinkya Bahulekar Assist. Prof. in Medicine, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Ganesh Thorat Assist. Prof. in Medicine, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Nitin S. Kshirsagar, Prof. in Ob/Gyn, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Manisha Manish Laddad Asso. Prof. in Ob/Gyn, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Vaishali Shirish Vhawal Assist. Prof. in Ob/Gyn, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Archana Rokade Assist. Prof. in Ob/Gyn, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Gauri Raghunath Shinde Assist. Prof. in Ob/Gyn, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra
- Certificate of Appreciation awarded for outstanding dedication, exemplary efforts and professional integrity shown in combating COVID-19 pandemic at K.H. & M.R.C., Karad 2021 by KIMSDU, Karad.

Dr. Ashutosh Bahulekar Assist. Prof. in Ob/Gyn, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Digvijay Kadam Assist. Prof. in Ob/Gyn, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation (COVID-19 Pandemic warrior) 2020 for the efforts and selfless contribution during COVID-19 pandemic awarded by Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Archana Amol Gautam Asso. Professor in Emergency Medicine, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation awarded for outstanding dedication, exemplary efforts and professional integrity shown in combating COVID-19 pandemic at K.H. & M.R.C., Karad 2021 by KIMSDU, Karad.

Dr. Virendra Chandrashekhar Patil, Professor in Medicine, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation awarded for outstanding dedication, exemplary efforts and professional integrity shown in combating COVID-19 pandemic at K.H. & M.R.C., Karad 2021 by KIMSDU, Karad.

Dr. Amol A. Gautam, Professor in Radiology, KIMS
- Certificate of Appreciation awarded for outstanding dedication, exemplary efforts and professional integrity shown in combating COVID-19 pandemic at K.H. & M.R.C., Karad 2021 by KIMSDU, Karad.

Dr. Girish Suragimath Prof. & Head, Dept. Periodontology, SDS
- GLOBAL TEACHER AWARD 2021 by AKS Education Trust

Dr. Kamala K. A., Asso.Prof. & Incharge HOD, Dept. of OMR, SDS
- Women Researcher Award in the International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine 2021 by VDGOOD Professional Association