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Dr. Veerendra Yeligar, Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, KVV, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad bagged first prize in Poster Presentation competition conducted at solapur

Two days International conference on Ethnopharmacology: Globalization of Traditional Medicine was held at D.S.T.S Mandal’s College of Pharmacy Solapur in association with Society for Ethnopharmacology Sponsored by P.A.H. Solapur University Solapur on 17th and 18th of March 2023. In Scientific poster presentation Dr. Veerendra Yeligar, Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, KVV, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad bagged first prize. The title of his paper was Antineoplastic activity of 24- Nor-Olean-3-One-28-oic Acid(NOA)from the roots of Luffatu berosa (Roxb) in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Bearing Mice. His achievement has added another feather to the cap of KIP family.

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